Tales from the Bar Hak: Fly-Headed Goblins
Bar Hak was built to be a West Marches game. If you’ve been playing OSR-coded DnD in the last decade,
Bar Hak was built to be a West Marches game. If you’ve been playing OSR-coded DnD in the last decade,
You know what Deng Xiaoping said: “It is glorious to be rich.” So why do we seem so invested in
How common are clerics? I suppose somewhere out there is a game of 5e, where every NPC has class levels,
While the rest of the TTRPG world debates side versus individual initiative, Troika’s system revels in a more unpredictable chaos.
Delve Deeper…Farce – a Houserule for Troika Initiative Chaos
I’ve been playing a lot of OSR games lately and have been really enjoying them. Mixed with my 5e games
Fifth Edition’s approach to exploration gets a bad rap. Hex crawling is often seen as an OSR affectation, with 5e
The Nature skill is not what you might call a community favorite. Like all knowledge skills, it goes unused too
The vast and ancient Kingdom of Yuul, ever shrouded in winter, is mankinds’ first line of defense against those northern
Hands up how many have played the Starter or Essentials set, have reached level five and stalled out, wondering “what’s
Delve Deeper…After the Starter set? Level five and beyond…
Overture & Curtains Musicals are back and I am hyped. I don’t just mean that Broadway is re-opening, though that
Delve Deeper…Musical Modules and Melodious Melodrama Meets D&D