a horrifying demonic collection of mouths illustrating the cover of Tomb of Transformation 5e

Tomb of Transformation

Uncover the secrets of the nearby cemetery and its new denizens in Tomb of Transformation: A lycanthropy cult bent on perfect transformation & dynamic battles with body horror and trickery, this adventure will keep your party guessing just what is going to change next!

https://youtu.be/_PM6VwW6IuI … Continue readingTomb of Transformation

a moon elves illustration showing one in front of a planet

Moon Elves’ Masquerade

Hedonist Horatio Humbert, possessed by an avarice for novelty, has offered a bounty for partiers capable of convincing the moon elves to attend his birthday. From his pleasure barge to the moon, this 4th level adventure mixes extended social & roleplay opportunities with a high-stakes, low-gravity boss fight your players won’t forget! … Continue readingMoon Elves’ Masquerade

artwork for 1st level fey adventure Druid of Ravenhenge

Druid of Ravenhenge

This 1st level fey adventure is a fun entry-level game for three to four players for 5e. It includes some awesome tables for fey trickery and unique Will-o-Wisp effects. An interesting magical item for treasure and some unique social encounters! … Continue readingDruid of Ravenhenge