Kung Flurry


The Year is 1983. You’re innocently learning Karate in a strip mall dojo when Doloreans crash through the walls. Ninjas emerge! You defeat them, but too late. A man wearing wrap-around shades and a Nintendo Power Glove has ripped the still-beating heart from your Sensei’s chest.

Flashforward to 2024! Civilization cowers before axe gangs, sewer mutants, and karate robots. President-for-Life Cyborg Reagan is missing. The only law is the Law of the Fist. Your Sensei’s killer is a prominent Warlord, ruling a criminal empire from a jagged black skyscraper.

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Sneak inside!
Fight your way past his wicked students! 
Avenge your master!

Kung Flurry is a combat-forward TTRPG for two players. Combat combines strategy, bluffing, and physical dexterity, rewarding player skill over random chance. Forget tracking damage with a pencil! You’ll feel the tension as you place your cards on your pivot, knowing that your character’s life hangs in the balance—literally!

Inspirations include Karate Kid, Kung Fury, and Mortal Kombat.

Pick up our introductory Adventure Module Ninjas Killed My Sensei!

Demo available here as well.

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