Let Them Eat Cake: Why PCs should get Rich
You know what Deng Xiaoping said: “It is glorious to be rich.” So why do we seem so invested in
You know what Deng Xiaoping said: “It is glorious to be rich.” So why do we seem so invested in
I’ve been playing a lot of OSR games lately and have been really enjoying them. Mixed with my 5e games
Tiers We bandy about the term tiers fairly often. They come up when we’re talking about how ‘hard’ an adventure
Delve Deeper…Training, Ritual, and Ceremony in Leveling Up Tiers
There’s nothing quite like character creation to keep your creative muscles in shape when it comes to having fun playing
I, Kenku (And So Can You!) Dungeons and Dragons has a ton of awesome races to pick from to create