Send your players on the ride of their lives in this insane OSE Megadungeon!
- 70 Rooms
- Crazy Ideas
- Plenty of Treasure&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/li></li>
- Lots of
- Threats
- Thematically Associated Factions
- Gift Shop
In honour of gaming luminary Jennell Jaquays, the C.R.A.M.P.S. Dungeon of Sin and Madness takes a factional wing approach to level design. This OSE Megadungeon is designed on small-form grid paper. It is a massive 70-room complex with many secret doors, treasures, unique encounters, and looping paths. It is designed for use with OSE but should work with any standard fantasy RPG system.
The design challenge for me here was to populate a 70-room OSE Megadungeon on a single face of letter-sized paper and still be able to read it. There is much implied and lots for the DM to fill in with their imagination, but the heart is there for all the ideas I wanted to inject. I hope you have fun reading it, and I hope your players enjoy exploring it.
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