Outlaw Wizards of the Whispering Valley

In the wake of conquest, the Wizard Lords of the Whispering Valley have become outlaws!

The Wizard by Sean McGrath (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)

Driven from their estates by vengeful peasants, the formerly proud masters of the valley have become desperate fugitives. At every step, they are hounded by the Church of Horse and Hanged Man. Their leader, the Seventh Nameless King, is nowhere to be found. It is every Wizard for themselves.

Bounty notices have been posted; posses have been formed. There’s money to be made, wizards to be caught. Below is an incomplete list:

d6 Outlaw Wizards

1 – Dal Dux

Formerly the richest of the Wizard Lords, he’ll try to buy his freedom if cornered. Always offers illusionary gold first when dealing with non-casters. Managed to escape his manse with two great treasures: an enchanted horse made of silver wires (worth 5000sp) and a harp that plays itself when asked (5000sp). He believes he’s keeping a low profile, but this is self-deception.

2 – Maude Mynn

Also called the Mirrormancer. Accused of calling people’s reflections out of mirrors and using them as soulless servants. The reflectionless peasants smashed all mirrors in her domain once she was deposed; the area is now filled with strange dopplegangers and arguments over originality and personhood.

Carries an enchanted mirror, equally deadly as a spellcasting focus and a razor-sharp, telekenetically-controlled discus. Sleeps in a tailor’s mirror; sneaks out of it at night to forage for food, spell components, and enchantable victims.

3 – Kobor Kobor

Squat. Bald. Muscular. Kobor Kobor’s paranoia has served him well so far. He spent almost all of his time as lord invisibly spying on his people. When the uprising came, he simply murdered his two closest servants and assumed a new identity as ‘Robok’, a migrant mason. Now he lays the foundations for a new scheme: a prison that makes those who enter it into docile thralls. The enchantment is obvious to any spellcaster who sees the stone foundations being poured.

4 – Selvig Cobel

Known for fracturing her peasants into multiple mental fragments, each with spatially dictated access to their memories. In other words, when entering her castle, peasants would black out and only resume consciousness when leaving. Meanwhile, the versions of themselves that became conscious within only ever existed within those walls.

She’s hiding in an ether factory; if you bring a licensed wizard to help, don’t use fire magic while trying to apprehend her! The whole place is liable to blow!

5 – Wren Zao’Llan

Every bird in the Whispering Valley has a bright green left eye; each belongs to Wren Zao’llan, a beautiful sorceress with an empty left eye-socket. During her rule, she wore a fresh emerald in it each day; now she tries to disguise herself as a leper in the beggar’s district. She is collecting information and plotting revenge on the army that stole her world from her. She changes shapes freely while in skin contact with silver.

6 – The Mog

Everyone knows the Mog! Everyone loves the Mog!

In fairness, this is because everyone who sees the Mog must make a save or be charmed. NPCs automatically fail. He’s living openly in the hamlet of Drinbarg, attended by a mixture of peasants, bounty hunters, and church inquisitors. They all think he’s great, just really keen.

Adventurers who search his old mansion may find clues to help defuse this power; it doesn’t work on people wearing glasses or the currently drunk. If the town can be liquored up (the Mog will attempt to prevent this) they’ll realize they’ve been bamboozled and turn on their ‘chum’.

Like these Wizards? Check out our trolls! Or take a look at catching some wizards in one of our full-length modules: Doom Desert in the Decanter of Delerium for 5e or Puppets of Beeglemaus for Troika. Both feature weird outlaw wizards, crazy magic, and the high quality you know us for!

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