Check it out, WatcherDM is getting press! Yarr!

Today we take a break from Shadowdark Monsters to be happy! Share our joy by checking out some of these interviews and mentions below, or skip to the end for a puzzle idea I had for pirates: a Parchment Parrot.
Periodicals of Note!
Ben Milton of Questing Beast just featured Seven Sealed Spirits in a mail episode! I’m pretty stoked on the number of new eyes it could bring to our weird little campaign setting. Gabriel “WatcherDM” Watcher wrote him a very fine letter to go with it. If you like the adventure and want to help our little team, go comment and ask for a full-length review.
Grimwood Games interviewed Gabriel yesterday, with entertaining results. They discussed our new Kickstarter: an updated print edition of Doom Desert in the Decanter of Delirium. This weird fantasy 5e romp was the first time Gabriel and I worked together; it’s a real treat to see the new layout and art. Check it out if you haven’t already.
Meanwhile, Dan Davenport (Hardboiled GMshoe) has recently treated us out to not one, but two great interviews through the Randomworld’s Discord. He let us talk about both Seven Sealed Spirits and the Doom Desert Kickstarter. Very cool! I rambled!
Pirate Idea
Alright, thanks for indulging us. Guess we owe you a WatcherDM-style pirate idea, eh?
Parchment Parrot
Ickbar Umlaut, captain of the dread ship Sharp Caprice, died recently. No need to name the adventurers responsible. He leaves behind his leaky ship, his surly crew, and his best friend: an enchanted parrot folded together from letters of marque.
Since his death, the parrot will say nothing but a single riddle.
“I tell kings where their power ends.
I can hold mountains of gold.
Bigger than oceans, I tear when I’m wet.
I’m light enough for a child to hold.”
Saying the answer aloud (“a Map”) causes the parrot to unfold into its true form: a treasure map! Landmasses made of words bleed together to form familiar island shapes. Go get Captain Umlaut’s famous treasure hoard! X marks the spot!
Thanks for reading! We strike a relatively formal tone in these blog posts, but we’re really just a small gang of scrappy fools. These small successes mean the world to us; thanks for sharing them with us! Keep gaming!