We like Shadowdark.
Playing it. Writing for it. Talking about it.
Magic Swords, I’m less keen on. That’s partially a hangover from playing a lot of 5e, where +3 Swords trash bounded accuracy and unbalance the late game, but it transfers onto OSR games too. The +1 Shortsword-type design belittles magic, turning it into just another roll modifier.

Shadowdark’s sword generating system tries to elevate this. Mostly, I think it succeeds. There’s lots of great material (p. 292 of your core rulebook) for mixing benefits, curses, and sentient personalities. Expansions of the d12 random tables might be really great in some future Cursed Scrolls, but otherwise, this is as good as random generators get. There’s also a Shadowdark-ified catalog of all the classic DnD magic items.
Still, Shadowdark deserves something unique. Something bespoke.
Here are five swords that take Shadowdark’s stand-out mechanics and turn them into memorable magical rewards. Enjoy!
1. The Flickering Hope
The First-Elf crafted this +1 Bastard Sword; it is fated to be the last sword lifted in defence of the dying elven nation. Flames reflected in its steel length appear to be funeral mourners tearing at their clothes. It deals critical hits on rolls of 18-20 when there are 5 minutes or less on the torch timer.
2. Bluetongue
The blade of this +2 Longsword burns a dim blue and deals fire damage. Torches burn twice as fast in the presence of this blade. If the last torch present (within Near) goes out, the sword is also extinguished; the sword must be relit with a torch.
The Bluetongue is an intelligent sword, but its life is impermanent; roll a new personality whenever the sword is relit. Extinguished personalities are as dead as any mortal.
3. Shadowedge
This jet black +0 Shortsword comes from a higher dimension; it casts three-dimensional shadows, each as deadly as a mortal blade.
If there are two or fewer light sources within Near, this sword casts a number of ‘shadows’ equal to the number of light sources. When the sword hits, the wielder may roll damage against a number of additional targets equal to the number of shadows cast by the sword; these targets must have an AC equal to or lower than the first target that the sword hit.
If there are three or more light sources within Near, the sword is too well-lit to cast cutting shadows. It functions as a normal Shortsword.
Celestials with a level higher than the wielder may summon the blade to leap into their hands (within Near) with a DC 9 CHA check.
4. Mirrorblade
This jagged +1 Longsword is a piece of shattered mirror, once the prison of a great Medusa queen. If there are more than 50 minutes on the torch timer, cast Mirror Image whenever you roll for Intiative.
When you roll a 1 with this longsword, it becomes a shortsword. If you roll a 1 with that shortsword, it becomes a dagger. If you roll a 1 with that dagger, the Mirrorblade is lost forever.
5. Sunshifter Sword
An unusually long blade of pyrite, enchanted to be harder than steel.
When this sword is presented to the dawn, its wielder may choose its size — between one and three slots. It is a Greatsword +X, where X equals the number of slots it takes. If it takes a single slot, it gains the finesse quality and is no longer a 2H weapon (or a 2-slot one, for that matter).
Once exposed to total darkness, this sword cannot cut or pierce anything until it sees the noon sun.
Like what you’ve seen here? Go check out Tower of the Spectral Sorceress! It’s got the best magic sword we’ve ever written and it’s all statted for Shadowdark! Or, if you’re into other games, steal a glance at this post – a build-your-own adventure kit!