- Fallout, for Troikaby Austin HolmLast week, I complained about how it would have been easier to play Fallout in Troika than to read the
- Terminal City Tabletop Con: Why I Buyby Austin HolmOver the course of the Terminal City Tabletop Con, I probably picked up, perused, and otherwise paged through a plethora
- Terminal City Tabletop Con Accomplished!by Austin HolmTerminal City Tabletop Con has come and gone, leaving us dazed but triumphant! We posted here about our plans last
- Terminal City Tabletop Con Approaches!by Austin HolmTerminal City Tabletop Con is this weekend! The boys are back in con! Last year, we sat in on Proto-Alley
- Outlaw Wizards of the Whispering Valleyby Austin HolmIn the wake of conquest, the Wizard Lords of the Whispering Valley have become outlaws! Driven from their estates by
- WatcherDM Press Round-Up and Piratesby Austin HolmCheck it out, WatcherDM is getting press! Yarr! Today we take a break from Shadowdark Monsters to be happy! Share
- Shadowdark Monsters: Photophageby Austin HolmShadowdark crawlers have one simple rule: don’t let the torch go out. So let’s break that rule. Accursed Photophage Crawlers
- Tales from the Bar Hak: Fly-Headed Goblinsby Austin HolmBar Hak was built to be a West Marches game. If you’ve been playing OSR-coded DnD in the last decade,
- The Trouble with Troika: Against Armourby Austin HolmWe love Troika, but it’s not without its troubles. Chief among them? Armour! Fret not! WatcherDM is here with a
- Magic Items for Troikaby Austin HolmTroika doesn’t feature magic items the way other games do. It’s not too hot on material concerns as a whole;
- Shadowdark Monster: the Unmournedby Austin HolmNeed a new Shadowdark Monster? Want PC death to be more of a setback? Like to send characters off with
- Here’s to the Blackmarsh Rangers!by Austin HolmIf you want actionable TTRPG content, check out Tuesday’s post. Today is a campaign recap — for the love of
- Five Swords for Shadowdarkby Austin HolmWe like Shadowdark. Playing it. Writing for it. Talking about it. Magic Swords, I’m less keen on. That’s partially a
- Mad Moors: Now with weird plants!by Austin HolmWelcome to the Mad Moors! We’ve manuals full of fantasy fauna; where’s all the flora? Sure, there’s your Shambling Mounds,
- Trolls of the Ermine Marchesby Austin HolmWhat is a Troll? A type of giant? A rock-skinned mountain dweller? A bag of regenerating HP with pyrophobia? The Ermine
- Torchesby Austin HolmYo! No big long post today (Tuesday’s is a hefty one). Instead, I wanted to share a little piece of
- Let Them Eat Cake: Why PCs should get Richby Austin HolmYou know what Deng Xiaoping said: “It is glorious to be rich.” So why do we seem so invested in
- Tales from the Bar Hak: Weird Elvesby Austin HolmI like Elves. I hate them, too, but then, I’m a complicated guy. Inhuman, immortal weirdoes are right up my
- D66 Provisions: a Table for Troika!by Austin HolmWe do a little eating. In real life, in an effort to avoid starvation. In Troika (and some other TTRPGS),
- A First Level Cleric VS Historyby Austin HolmHow common are clerics? I suppose somewhere out there is a game of 5e, where every NPC has class levels,
- Farce – a Houserule for Troika Initiative Chaosby Austin HolmWhile the rest of the TTRPG world debates side versus individual initiative, Troika’s system revels in a more unpredictable chaos.
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- Feuding with Feudalismby Austin HolmLet’s talk about Feudalism. “Feudalism never actually existed.” – You, probably Fair point. Making generalisations (as I’m about to) wins
- Wrestlers and Rikishiby Austin HolmThree things are true: This makes me want to write up a Constitution-forward, space-control/tank class: a Wrestler! I’ve often seen
- Mothership 1e : Honest Reviewby Gabriel WatcherIt finally came, the Mothership 1e Deluxe Set I have been waiting for since (checks Kickstarter) December 2021. With an
- Pariah Play Report #1by Austin HolmI’ve been excited about Pariah for months. Gabriel gifted me a copy of the Psychedelic Proto-Neolithic Animist OSR RPG a
- Using Oozes Effectively – A 5e Encounter Designby Gabriel WatcherRecently, I had the opportunity to explore using Oozes in a 5e “combat” encounter. My party was heading to a
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- Free TTRPG Talk: the Magic of January ‘24by Austin HolmFreegan TTRPG degenerates like myself have eaten well this month. Luke Gearing, of Acid Death Fantasy and Big Squirm fame,
- What Happened In Troika Since We’ve Been Gone? d66 Odd Events!by Austin HolmAh, Troika: City of Adventure! Of course, not every adventure takes place in the city. Occasionally your players must leave
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- 2023 to 2024, Review and Forecastby Austin HolmI’m very excited about 2024. In review, 2023 was a slower year for us than 2022. In 2022, we released,
- The “Google” Spell for 5e – Ebrohim’s Inquiry Lingumby Gabriel WatcherMany years ago, I had an idea when I was playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition. Search engines sure
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- 🌙 Chapultepec (Troika! Microsphere)by Gabriel WatcherJungle d66 Encounter Table d66 Encounter 11 1d6 Tigers 41 The air is filled with the smell of Pungent
- An Honest Review: MÖRK BORGby Gabriel WatcherMÖRK BORG is quite a unique and intriguing addition to the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) scene. It’s known for its
- OSR vs 5e – What Fun Looks Likeby Gabriel WatcherI’ve been playing a lot of OSR games lately and have been really enjoying them. Mixed with my 5e games
- Lost in the Woods? How to Hex Crawl in 5eby Austin HolmFifth Edition’s approach to exploration gets a bad rap. Hex crawling is often seen as an OSR affectation, with 5e
- Moon Elves’ Masquerade Battlemap Photos!by Austin HolmAs much as we love making these games, nothing beats hearing back from people who’ve enjoyed playing them. We’re taking
- Drawn from the Margins: Playtest Launch and First Look!by Austin HolmEnjoy this playtest copy of Drawn from the Margins, WatcherDM’s newest Troika!-compatible adventure module! Written for the Illuminated Manuscript Jam,
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- The First Look at Drawn from the Margins!by Austin HolmHey folks! We’re almost done writing Drawn from the Margins, our newest Troika adventure, but before we finish, we wanted
- Drawn from the Margins: Dev Log 1by Austin HolmI’ve been working on Drawn from the Margins for about five days now. We started with a real embarrassment of
- Dream Themed Magic Items to Reward Your Dreaming PCsby Austin HolmTo celebrate this month’s launch of The Trouble with Dreams (and Wake Up Sheeple), WatcherDM presents you with eight dream-themed
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- Everyone is Wrong but Me: the Nature Skillby Austin HolmThe Nature skill is not what you might call a community favorite. Like all knowledge skills, it goes unused too
- The Suitsby Austin HolmFor this is a universe that understands order, that understands service. Anonymity is armor. Blandness is balance. Conformity is control. And so the creators of our world have eschewed the Inevitables, impressive though they may be, and chosen a different avatar for the invisible hand of order: The Suits … Delve Deeper…The Suits
- The 16 Howling Poets of Long Bear Valleyby Austin HolmLong Bear Valley has been out for just three short months now and I can’t tell you how happy it
- Beyond the Jade Doorby Gabriel WatcherA fan story by CuttleFishPress about Spooptoberween Spooptacular The jade door scrapes open, leaving new scratches on an already worn
- Ten Lords a-Leaping: the Jump Knights of Yuulby Austin HolmThe vast and ancient Kingdom of Yuul, ever shrouded in winter, is mankinds’ first line of defense against those northern
- A Collection of Unique Backgrounds for 5eby Max HughsonThis week we are bringing you three great background for your next 5e character. These were all lovingly crafted by
- After the Starter set? Level five and beyond…by Gabriel WatcherHands up how many have played the Starter or Essentials set, have reached level five and stalled out, wondering “what’s
Delve Deeper…After the Starter set? Level five and beyond…
- Musical Modules and Melodious Melodrama Meets D&Dby Gabriel HadleyOverture & Curtains Musicals are back and I am hyped. I don’t just mean that Broadway is re-opening, though that
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- “What do we do next?” – Reusing and Remixing Contentby Gabriel WatcherIf you have a bunch of tools you can repurpose, then you’re already set up to drop in some new content and keep the adventure going. … Delve Deeper…“What do we do next?” – Reusing and Remixing Content
- GMJ reviews: Masque of the Wormsby Gabriel WatcherRunning a D&D game is hard. You have a lot to manage both before and during the session, and it
- How to Win a Fight without Fighting, Non-combat resolutionsby Gabriel WatcherHere’s a quick TLDR version for anyone in a rush! There is always a way for a Dungeon Master to
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- Go Zhuzh Yourself: 4 Tables to Make a Unique Character, Fastby Gabriel WatcherMaking a Unique Character, Fast! Has this ever happened to you? You’re hanging out on a Friday night after working
Delve Deeper…Go Zhuzh Yourself: 4 Tables to Make a Unique Character, Fast
- Bakto’s Terrifying Cuisine Review: Amazing Delicious Weirdby Gabriel WatcherThere are a lot of modules on the internet. Dear reader, it was not always this way. Many of you
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- Cleric Domains and Gods of the Glassmenby Austin HolmTo understand the Cleric domains, you need to know about the gods of the Glassmen. The Glassmen worship three gods:
- Let’s Get Weird With It; The Spicy Supplement of Strangeby Gabriel HadleyWhere’s The Spice? Let me ask you a question: did you play the Rick & Morty adventure for Dungeons &
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- Ten Minute Player Prep; Make the Most of Your Characterby Chelsea CameronWe here at WatcherDM dedicate ourselves to giving Dungeon Masters the best, weirdest, and most creative tools to run Dungeons
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- Training, Ritual, and Ceremony in Leveling Up Tiersby Gabriel WatcherTiers We bandy about the term tiers fairly often. They come up when we’re talking about how ‘hard’ an adventure
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- Turncoat Villain 2: Building Better Baddiesby Gabriel HadleyPreviously, on Blog Post Z: Return of the Turncoat Villain. You want to write a mastermind villain, but your players
- Moon Themed Magic Items to Reward Your Moon Worshipping PCsby Gabriel WatcherTo celebrate our recent outpouring of lunar-themed content (Moon Elves’ Masquerade & Tomb of Transformation), we at WatcherDM are delighted
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- Big Brains & Reversible Jackets: The Turncoat Villainby Gabriel HadleyNo Plan Survives First Contact With A Horny Bard Who doesn’t love a good mastermind villain? You’ve got your grand
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- Polydismorphia; The Shapeshifting Sickness Of The Elvesby Austin HolmThe transmutation of living beings is one of the great benchmarks of magical progress. Academic arcanists have long attempted to imitate what elves and druids arrive at so easily: the power and freedom of polymorphia, the ability to change your form as one changes clothes. Yet, like all magic power, it comes at a cost. Forcing the mind and soul through multiple bodies can leave lingering marks on the ego, like a palimpsest self. … Delve Deeper…Polydismorphia; The Shapeshifting Sickness Of The Elves
- Perfect Schmerfect; Let’s Get Weird With Itby Chelsea CameronThere’s nothing quite like character creation to keep your creative muscles in shape when it comes to having fun playing
- Hedonist Background Brings Out Your Inner Party Animalby Max HughsonYou are a legend at celebrations, shindigs, and other such functions. Your sheer enjoyment seems to rub off on others around you during times of merrymaking. … Delve Deeper…Hedonist Background Brings Out Your Inner Party Animal
- Creating Narrative Cost for Magic in 5th Editionby Gabriel HadleyWorld-shaping Power At Dollar Store Prices I want to talk to you about magic. Make no mistake; magic is rad.
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- The Worn Web: A Drow Variant to Add Lore and Depthby Austin HolmThe ink is made from rendered myconid flesh and illithid ichor, and its use causes alternating fits of sickness and rage. Convalescence lasts three days, and when the marked Drow rises on the third day, she is forever changed. … Delve Deeper…The Worn Web: A Drow Variant to Add Lore and Depth
- Carousing Catastrophes and Social Solutions to the Party Problemby Austin HolmWe here at Watcher DM are very proud to be bringing those of you on our mailing list a brand
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- How do Like the Kenku Do?by Chelsea CameronI, Kenku (And So Can You!) Dungeons and Dragons has a ton of awesome races to pick from to create
- Modular, Imaginative, Massive, Easy, and Reusable: My Five Design Principlesby Austin HolmThank you very much to everyone who read Doom Desert in the Decanter of Delirium! I hope you enjoy playing
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- How to Reclaim Alignment and Empower Imaginative Character Narrative, Easilyby Gabriel WatcherGood vs. Evil, Laws vs. Chaos, easy. It doesn’t take much to see this “easy” solution fall over, however. In this article, I would like to explore the possibilities available behind the idea of alignment and a simple implementation change that can bring new life into this old standby. … Delve Deeper…How to Reclaim Alignment and Empower Imaginative Character Narrative, Easily
- The Most Impressive and Powerful DM Leverage this Tool!by Gabriel WatcherWith no cynicism or irony whatsoever, I am writing this today to tell you about the common tool of the
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- Six Tips for Dealing with GM Anxietyby Gabriel WatcherI’ve seen several DMs post requests for tips on dealing with GM anxiety; something similar to the following: “I get
- DM Advice: Peering Into The Mind of the Watcherby Gabriel WatcherA feed of my answers over time in different venues to common questions about D&D and DMing specifically. … Delve Deeper…DM Advice: Peering Into The Mind of the Watcher
- CR, Challenge, and Engagement in 5eby Gabriel WatcherI would like to take a moment to discuss a topic I see on the web in varying formats. The
- Delerium and Doom in the Desert! Our Absurdist D&Dby Gabriel WatcherWatcher DM is partnering with an amazing writer to bring you an absurdist d&d adventure with all-new art. Watch the
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- WatcherDM: Strange Ways Festivalby Gabriel WatcherThe Strange Ways Festival is a great way to kick off a new campaign. It can provide a slight reprieve